National cancer screening
NHS offer cancer screening for those who are at a higher risk of developing a health problem so that early treatment can be offered or information can be provided to help them make informed decisions.

NHS offer cancer screening for those who are at a higher risk of developing a health problem.
Screening is a way of finding out if people have a higher chance of having a health problem, so that early treatment can be offered or information can be provided to help them make informed decisions.
Screening is a method by which apparently healthy people who may be at a higher risk of a particular condition, can find out if they are more likely to develop that condition.
Cervical screening is offered to all women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 to check the health of cells in the cervix. It is offered every three years for those aged 25 to 49, and every five years from the ages of 50 to 64.
Breast screening (or mammogram) is offered to women aged 50 to 70 to detect early signs of breast cancer. If you are eligible and would like to arrange a breast screening appointment, please contact the screening office on 0203 758 2024 at your earliest convenience. Alternatively you can book online (you will need your NHS number to book).
Regular NHS bowel cancer screening reduces the risk of dying from bowel cancer. Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the UK. Most people diagnosed with it are over the age of 60. Bowel cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer. Screening can help prevent bowel cancer or find it at an early stage, when it’s easier to treat.
Everyone aged 60 to 74 is offered a bowel cancer screening home test kit every two years. If you’re 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every two years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.