Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)

If you have had a recent problem with your eyes, such as sore eyes, red eyes or visual disturbance, you can be assessed and treated by our local Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS).

Our MECS service providers are:

Specsavers Opticians Clapham Junction
54-56 St John’s Road
SW11 1PR

Tel: 020 7978 6626

Simply call the number above to make an appointment. You will be asked some questions about your symptoms in order to assess how quickly you need to be seen by the service, which will be within 24 hours in urgent cases and within a few days for routine appointments.

Please take your glasses and a list of your current medication with you to the appointment.

Who is this service for?

If you are registered with a local GP you can use this free service. It is for people of all ages – adults and children. Children under 16 years must be accompanied at their appointment by an adult.

Exclusion criteria

The following cases will not be treated by the service: