COVID-19 support

At the Junction Health Centre the welfare of our patients and staff remains our number one priority. With this in mind, we are continuing to follow guidance from the UK government and public health agencies to ensure our services remain safe for all.

Patient services
NHS volunteers
Support services
Useful links

We kindly ask that you remain at home if you experience any of the following COVID-19 symptoms:

If you have any of the above symptoms and believe you may have coronavirus, please follow the latest government guidance on the NHS website. Find out how to get tested here.

You should access the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:

Patient services

Face masks

From 1st November 2022 face masks will be re-introduced as mandatory for both patients and staff, in clinical areas.


If you do not have coronavirus symptoms but would like an appointment with a health professional at any of our practices please contact us through eConsult.

We are offering telephone or video consultation appointments to improve wait times and help reduce risk to our patients and staff members. However, you can choose to be seen face to face if you prefer and you will also be invited to the practice for your consultation where there is a clinical need.

Our registered patients should contact us through eConsult to arrange their appointment.

We will be managing as many appointments as possible remotely, whether by phone, online or video consultation. We will examine you physically if necessary. If you develop coronavirus symptoms in the seven days leading up to your face to face appointment, please call and cancel as we will not be able to see you in the surgery whilst symptomatic. For any urgent nursing appointments which require a face to face appointment please contact us and we will help to manage your query.


You can now request all repeat prescriptions online, by email or telephone. For any medical sick note requests, we will assess you on the telephone and post it out to you. If you have been told to self-isolate because of coronavirus and you need a note for your employer, please click here.

NHS Volunteer Responders:

You can submit a live referral for an individual that needs support or an NHS service that requires volunteers providing they meet the referring criteria here or on 0808 196 3382.

Volunteers can provide:

Mental health and financial advice and support

Public Health England have provided some guidance on looking after mental health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Local councils are working with voluntary sector organisations and local communities to support residents in the response to COVID-19. For more information on what support is available to you and your family in your local area, please click here.

For advice on employment and financial support, please click here.

Patient information – useful links

For more information and support on how coronavirus affects you, please visit the links below:

General NHS advice

Government COVID-19 Guidelines

Pituitary/adrenal insufficiency (including steroid sick day rules)

Underlying lung disease (British Lung Foundation)

People with asthma

People with diabetes

People affected by stroke

Pregnant women

Children and young people type 1 diabetes

People with heart or circulatory disease

Older people

Young people with anxiety

Adults with anxiety

People with rheumatoid arthritis

People with cancer

People with inflammatory bowel disease